Knowledge Base:
How To Set Up Email With Your Website
Very Important Info About Using Email With Your Website:
Do you already have email set up with a 3rd party system such as Google, Gmail, Godaddy, Microsoft Exchange, Outlook, etc. If so, then before you add a custom domain (IE: or to your website, please read this info. This will help make sure you don't experience any downtime with your email. If you don't yet have email set up, then don't worry about these steps. You can safely change the domain name on your website to whatever you'd like. If you don't already have email but would like to set it up, then click here to learn how.
Follow These Steps To Ensure You Don't Have Any Email Downtime:
If you already have an email system set up and are using it for your business, then follow these steps to make sure that you don't experience any downtime with your email.
Before changing the domain name on your website to a custom domain ( please email us the day before and tell us:
- The domain name you are using for your website (for example.
- What email system you are using (IE: Google, Gmail, Godaddy, Microsoft Exchange, Outlook, etc).
- If there are any special DNS or MX records you need. If you are not sure about this, don't worry. We'll figure it out for you.
- If your email provider has sent you any instructions on how to set up your DNS please forward that email to us.
- Wait until we email you back and confirm that we have everything set up before you add the custom domain to your website.
- If you are already actively using email as part of your business then we recommend adding your custom domain to your website at night or on a weekend as to minimize any email downtime you might experience. It is a bad idea to make this change during the business day as there can sometimes be a small amount of email downtime.
Following these steps will help make sure you have a smooth transition as you set up your email to work with your new EZ Freight Website. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions.